February 1, 2019 Day One—Blessings RPEL,
Human Trafficking is real! Anyone could be affected by this. What can you do about it? You can speak up, say something and fight to eliminate this. No one should be sexually abused, physically abused, forced to be a sex worker or a hard labor worker. Taking action takes courage. It’s worth it, because as a parent, I put myself in those parents shoes who kids are sold into human slavery and trafficked throughout the world. I would want others to join the fight and to take action. I guarantee someone in your community is affected by Human Trafficking! Please pray for them, offer support and love too. Here is a great website I like that offers support and is actively in the fight too!!! Please join us as we Pray globally every Monday. We will host a live panel discussion this month to talk about what we can do to join the fight. We coming against spiritual wickedness in high high high places, it’s going to take the Isaiah 58 type of True Fasting to come against these ancient demons. If you serious about joining the fight, please message me. If you know of resources in your communities, please let me know. I want to make sure everyone knows there are resources out there to help them out. It’s time for The Body of Christ to get in the fight so we can win the fight. There is strength in unity too.